anxiety panic attack: January 2010

How They Fight anxiety panic attack

...when I started reading I felt this feeling of relief physically wash over me,

Dear Joe, please do use my testimonial, I myself have spent a lot of time reading everyone else s testimonials, it is reassuring to read that you are not alone with these anxieties and that there is hundreds of people who have gone through the same difficulties as you and are now back to there former self. I myself feel very lucky as Panic Away was the first book I read. Friends of mine have suffered for years and it is only since I have recommended your book to them that they feel you can overcome panic attacks and anxiety instead of learning to distract them.

I had my first attack in September 06 which didn't really affect me that much because it was driving that set it off, my second happened at home in October, this is the one that really affected me as I didn't associate them only in the car, I them had a third attack whilst I was at work. I was having such a difficult time during the Xmas period, I worked myself up so much that I was desperate to understand what was going on with me. I had been to the doctor a couple of times, I came out feeling very angry as all that she could do was offer me medication which is really not what I wanted, I also went to see a mental health worker, she was lovely but I still didn't understand panic and I wasn't getting on very well with the information she gave me, she referred me to a councilor which I had my last session on Friday, this was usefull, I know what triggered my attacks, and it is good to talk, but this in no way has helped me overcome the panics and anxiety.

I downloaded your ebook in between Xmas and new year, when I started reading I felt this feeling of relief physically wash over me, I now understood all the symptoms that I was experiencing and felt I could now be free of the panics which I haven't had once since and it is now May 13 07, I also read about the exact anxiety that I was having, this was great I now knew that I wasn't going mad. . My heart felt thanks to you Joe. Xx


3SKNTJ3XX3G5 goodness!! i don't even know where to begin!

I really want to thank you form the bottom of my heart for helping me out with this situation in my life. Your techniques are heaven sent!!! It is truly a miracle that you promised.
I am amazed by how you put every thing together in words to where i can relate to it exactly. i was diagnosed with anxiety back in november, but have suffered from it til now about a little over a year. i am only twenty years old, but dont really know why i started getting this but just to make a long story short, it kept on getting worse and worse each time.

I didnt have any thing in particular to fear but just simple, irrational thoughts would give me a panic attack. i did my research about all this condition and found out that not only do i have anxiety but also panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder as well. one of my biggest problems are the feelings of unreality. Or another example would be a headache or a stomach ache. " o my god! what if its a brain tumor! Or what if its my appendix?!!" seconds later-- PANIC ATTACK!! i purchased your book online back in mid december and it helped alot instantly.

It funny because before I read what the product is about, I went straight to the testimonials and I was able to relate to their experiences in my heart I knew that real people had written this. It made me shed a couple of tears because I knew that this was for me. I was so happy and still happy. Excuse my language please but, but it really sucks to wake up every morning feeling anxious. It kinds makes you not look forward to the day only because of that feeling. It has already been one year and 2 months that I wake up with this feeling. Its like I have butterflies in my stomach every day when I wake. I go to sleep thinking "tomorrow will be another better day" only to wake up feeling like before.

You opened up my eyes and have made things so much better for me!! I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thought that I would be like this for the rest of my life which is sad, cause I'm only 20. But I see a bright future ahead thanks to your help. I couldn't have done it myself without you. I cant wait to let my doctors know that you were the solution to this and not the lexapro or the Klonopin. Sincerest Thanks,

Oh and I dont know if you recall the last message I sent you about traveling and being scared. Well I did great! I didnt get a single panic attack.


Ludy called our office together with her boyfriend to share her insight on anxiety. Listen to her and her boyfriend speak. Click the play button.

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